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5 Reasons to Keep a Clean Parking Lot

No matter what your business is or where it is located, we are sure you want to make a great impression on your customers and guests. One of the very first things they see and come into contact with is your parking lot. It may not seem like an immensely important factor, but it truly is. If your lot is a mess, riddled with litter, it will reflect negatively on you and your company. By keeping your parking lot clean, tidy, and free of litter and junk, you will make an incredible first impression on your guests.

It may be challenging to do on your own, but hiring a litter pickup service makes it a breeze. These five reasons explain why it is worth it.

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Why Are Plastic Bags Being Banned

Why Are Plastic Bags Being Banned?

You’re likely to take home plastic bags from virtually any and every establishment you shop at. Convenience stores and gas stations readily bag up multiple items in plastic bags. People rarely use paper bags at grocers like Walmart and Kroger, leaving you with five, 10, or even more plastic sacks. Anytime you order takeout, you’re also likely to receive your order in a – you guessed it – plastic bag.

Plastic is such a popular material because it’s cheap to produce, versatile, and convenient. Unfortunately, however, plastic is made primarily from fossil fuels. Further, plastic doesn’t readily biodegrade. Thin layers of plastic that “Walmart bags,” as they’re called in the Southeast, require anywhere between 10 and 1,000 years to decompose organically.

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Fast Food Garbage Makes up Half of Street Litter

Fast Food Litter Equals 50 Percent of the Garbage on Streets


The Pacific Gyre (i.e. Great Pacific Garbage Patch) is almost as large as Texas. Approximately 3.5 million tons of plastic pollution enter the GPGP, of which 80 percent come from land. Within a six-month period, Clean Water Action (CWA) gathered street litter samples from a small number of locations in four California cities to learn about the origins of pollution ending up in the Bay Area.
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